An Eagle Scout Explains the Fatal Folly of Taking the ‘Boy’ out of Boy Scouts - Scott Morefield:
"The first time I walked into a Boy Scout meeting as a boy of eleven is as ingrained in my mind as if it were yesterday.
...Those moments began what was to be a seven year adventure and the most significant non-school element of my pre-teen and teen-aged life.
They were years filled with lots of “boy-stuff” under the watchful supervision of caring men and the camaraderie of other boys.
...There was a lot of “doing” in Scouting, but the ultimate goal was always the same.
The Boy Scouts of America started in 1910 as a way to promote good citizenship and Christian morality, two years after Sir Robert Baden-Powell founded the movement in England.
“We aim for the practice of Christianity in their everyday life and dealings, and not merely the profession of its theology on Sundays,” Baden-Powell wrote in Scouting For Boys.
...I am grateful for Scouting and what it meant to me growing up.
But I am also angry at what liberals have turned the group into, as well as the fact that, a decade from now, it very likely won’t exist.
Because tragically, the Boy Scouts’ stubborn march to ‘inclusivity’ at any cost has managed to gut the organization of what made it special in the first place, which inevitably reminded me of this key quote from the movie The Incredibles -
“If everyone is special, no one is.”
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