Climategate in Review:
"...The bottom line is simple:
There is no significant scientifically established correlation between human activity and the warming of the earth's climate.
The Climategate scandal caused independent scientists and laymen around the globe to take a much closer look at the information that was being presented in support of Anthropogenic (i.e., man-made) Global Warming (AGW), and the overwhelming conclusion was that the there was no credible and conclusive evidence to support the hypothesis.
And it was further shown that the scenarios predicting that the planet was nearing the tipping point for a series of catastrophic climate disasters, was totally invalidated by an examination of the facts, as well as a review of the earth's climate history.
What came to light during this investigation was the following:
Climate science research is almost exclusively funded by governments around the world. Between 1989-2009, the U.S. government alone spent $79 billion.
To keep the money flowing, it was necessary to have a compelling "story" of a pending apocalypse to justify that sort of investment.
The narrative of global Armageddon became the researchers' only fixed "fact", with all scientific data being freely manipulated as necessary in order to fit that predetermined scenario..."
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