Sunday, May 13, 2018

Don Surber: The derp state

Don Surber: The derp state:
"If anyone wants to know why the Deep State of the nation's intelligence and law enforcement services missed 9/11, they should read Victor Davis Hanson's column, "The Trump Land Mine."
He makes the argument that in trying to get The Donald, they made the mistake of not knowing who their quarry was.
See the source image"If the deep state really wanted to dismantle and disarm Donald Trump, it would have been wise first to carefully learn how he was constructed and wired — and thus why he was especially dangerous to them.
Then to disarm him, elites would have had to offer superior agendas to his supporters, while engaging in reasoned debates and alternative visions — working with him when they found common and shared solutions, playing the loyal opposition when there did not," he wrote.
Instead they were reckless, arrogant, and easily trapped by an astute, sober man who sizes up every man when he enters a room. 
They thought he was dumb and erratic.
He is cold and calculating,
Apply their performance in this attempted coup to the performance of their actual jobs.
Obviously, President Trump was not the first world leader these saps misjudged. 
They got rolled by Iran, by the Muslim Brotherhood, and by the Castros.
The deep state is the derp state that is run by elitists who think they are elite when they are ordinary. And below average.
The public watches the straw grasping each day.
Even people who are casual about politics are beginning to laugh at these Keystone Kops.
But I wonder how many died due to the hubris of the swamp in Washington. 
Fortunately, President Trump is draining the swamp.
It is about time.
Once in every generation, Drāno in every drain in D.C."

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