Sunday, May 13, 2018

Former Navy SEAL: Waterboarding, Sleep Deprivation: Just Another Day at the Office

Former Navy SEAL: Waterboarding, Sleep Deprivation: Just Another Day at the Office
"The recent attacks on the president’s nominee, Gina Haspel, for the top spot in the CIA due to her involvement in the use of enhanced interrogation techniques by our DOD after 9/11 have me confused.
As a member of the U.S. military, I myself had to endure many of these same techniques.
For the record, I am far from the only one.
This is a very controversial topic.
Many senators, like former prisoner of war Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), stand in opposition to Haspel’s nomination, stating that “Her refusal to acknowledge torture’s immorality is disqualifying.” Democrats like Kamala Harris were very displeased that they could not get Gina Haspel to agree that the enhanced interrogations utilized in the past were immoral and unethical.
Yet many of my fellow veterans of all branches have undergone these “torture” techniques and worse in preparation to deploy into combat zones. 
This criticism of Haspel by both parties has me asking:
If they did this to us and we don’t have a problem with it, why are we so concerned about doing this to terrorists to extract vital intelligence to save lives?...
Read on!

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