Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Illinois Liberals Destroy Home Values to Fund Union Pensions - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Illinois Liberals Destroy Home Values to Fund Union Pensions - The Rush Limbaugh Show
"RUSH: The Chicago Federal Reserve has unveiled its solution to the pension problem. 
A speaker from the Chicago Fed — this is at an event that was sponsored by — it was last month — sponsored by the Civic Federation and the Federal Reserve Bank Chicago — Illinois has unfunded liabilities, particularly on pensions, that are off the charts.
“A speaker from the Chicago Fed proposed levying, across the state and in addition to current property taxes, a special property assessment they estimate would be about 1% of actual property value each year for 30 years.
“Homeowners with houses worth $250,000 would pay an additional $2,500 per year in property taxes, those with homes worth $500,000 would pay an additional $5,000, and those with homes worth $1 million would pay an additional $10,000,” a year for 30 years, on top of existing taxes.
Furthermore, you would not be able to escape this by selling your house and leaving. You know why? You’re not gonna be able to sell your house. 
Nobody’s gonna buy your house in Chicago with this kind of taxation on it.
Read all!

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