Monday, May 14, 2018

Minneapolis City Council Approves Dockless Bike Pilot Program |

Minneapolis City Council Approves Dockless Bike Pilot Program |
"Nice Ride Minnesota is on the move once again.
Image result for Dockless Bike AbandonedThey're working to add a dockless bike program in Minneapolis, giving bikers more flexibility to use bikes when and where they want.
"We want to serve more people, in more places," Nice Ride Executive Director Bill Dossett said.
"We want it to be super convenient, we want it to be inexpensive."
A dockless bike can be parked anywhere, like along a sidewalk.
The bike can then be unlocked with an app.
..."One of the biggest concerns that I have is how are we going to be able to keep the public right of way clear of bikes just laying all around the city," Councilmember Andrea Jenkins asked.
Seattle, San Diego, and Dallas have similar programs.
Each city has had to deal with bikes that are destroyed, piled up or end up in a river..."
Read on!

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