Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Russia investigation isn't really about Trump, but giving cover to Obama and Hillary - Washington Times

Russia investigation isn't really about Trump, but giving cover to Obama and Hillary - Washington Times:

Image result for free clip art house of cards falling"Barack and his merry band of traitors weakened America on purpose. They moved hundreds of billions of dollars to their fat cat bosses in the union sector, they almost destroyed our military, they betrayed us to our enemies, they betrayed our allies, the divided us by race. In short, they did their best to destroy this great country, and get rich at the same time. As his preacher famously said, “God Damn America!” (And those white people too).
No, Mueller can’t stop. If he does, the entire house of cards comes crashing down. The Left will be finished in America for a generation. Barack, Valerie, Hillary and the rest of them go to the big house. Then we find out the real extent of their crimes against the people."

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