Monday, May 14, 2018

SICK. New Tom Steyer Mother's Day Card Claims GOP and Trump Are Turning Children into Nazis (VIDEO)

SICK. New Tom Steyer Mother's Day Card Claims GOP and Trump Are Turning Children into Nazis (VIDEO)
:Nextgen America is an environmental political action committee run by unhinged billionaire Tom Steyer...
The purpose of the group is to put more Democrats in office so China can make more windmills for America and energy costs can necessarily skyrocket.
Tom Steyer is a major Democrat Party donor...

For Mother’s Day Nextgen America released a video card that claims the GOP is turning children into Nazis.

Via Jack Posobiec:

“Only a mother can catch the signs early. This Mother’s Day, talk to your child about the GOP” Tom Steyer's super PAC is out with new ad for Mother's Day warning moms that their conservative kids are turning into Nazis
Read all!

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