Friday, May 11, 2018

University of Michigan sued for speech codes called 'un-American' | Fox News

University of Michigan sued for speech codes called 'un-American' | Fox News:
See the source image"A free speech group filed a lawsuit against the University of Michigan for imposing speech codes it calls “unconstitutional” and “un-American.”
...“The most important indication of bias is your own feelings,” the public university writes on its Bias Response Team page of incidents.
...Students who violate the speech codes or are found responsible for bias incidents face discipline ranging from training sessions to suspension or expulsion.
Wolverines say they have avoided topics like immigration, identity politics, and abortion because they are fearful of being reported and having to undergo “restorative justice,” “individualized education,” or “unconscious bias training.”
...“The university punishes students based on how controversial or offensive their words are..."
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