Thursday, May 10, 2018

Why Sweden doesn't keep stats on ethnicity and crime - The Local

Why Sweden doesn't keep stats on ethnicity and crime - The Local:
"The subject of immigration is an increasingly charged one, yet much of the discussion is founded on guesswork. 
To the ire of some, and the agreement of others, Sweden does not collect statistical data on the ethnic background of criminals. 
Image result for Sweden doesn't keep stats on ethnicity and crimeThe Local's Sweden in Focus series looks at why that is the case, and whether it's likely to change soon.
Contemporary debate about immigration in Sweden often centres on the unusually high influx of refugees in the last decade, which is frequently claimed by the international far right to have sown chaos.
Google's data shows that some of the searches connected to "Sweden immigration" that have increased most in the last five years are "Sweden crime rate" and "Sweden rape statistics".
While the domestic debate is more nuanced, migration remains a hot topic in the build-up to the forthcoming autumn general election, and crime in relation to immigration is a particularly big talking point.
...There was once a time when Sweden regularly recorded such data on the national origin of those involved in crime, explains Stockholm University criminology professor emeritus Henrik Tham, who specializes in Swedish criminal policy and its history..."
Much here, read on!

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