Saturday, July 21, 2018

5 Modern Myths People Need to Stop Believing | Lifestyle

5 Modern Myths People Need to Stop Believing | Lifestyle
"Those of us living in the 21st century are frequently guilty of chronological snobbery. 
We roll our eyes and snicker at our ancestors because they believed things like putting leeches on people is a good way to cure illness. 
Or that witches float. 
However, we moderns are guilty of clinging to our own laughable myths. Here are five myths that modern people need to stop believing.

...2. The Mozart Effect

See the source imageMany parents swear that exposing their children to classical music aids in their kids' cognitive development. This belief was kicked into hyperdrive in 1993 after psychologist Frances Rauscher published her findings claiming that exposure to Mozart increased spatial task performance. The excitement was almost immediate, reaching the point that then Georgia governor Zell Miller "issued a bill in 1998, ensuring that every mother of a newborn would receive a complimentary classical music CD." That same year, Florida's state government "passed a law, requiring state-funded day-care centers to play at least one hour of classical music a day."
The problem is that there is no scientific evidence to support the claim. However, there are studies debunking it. As one such study says, "On the whole, there is little evidence left for a specific, performance-enhancing Mozart effect."

...4. After Eating, You Have to Wait to Go Swimming

People need to let go of this myth because there's no reason to continue torturing kids. And mothers have been torturing kids for generations because of the belief that after eating we have to wait at least 30 minutes before jumping back into the pool. However, as Duke Health says, "Apparently, mother does not know best when it comes to swimming after eating."
The myth persists, though, because it is true that swimmers can suffer from a mildcramp after eating. Please note the emphasis on "mild." Because, as Medicine Net points out, "the fact is that an episode of drowning caused by swimming on a full stomach has never been documented."

5. Sugar Makes Children Hyperactive..."

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