Tuesday, July 31, 2018

China's hacking and influence goes unnoticed while we focus on Russia

China's hacking and influence goes unnoticed while we focus on Russia
See the source image"While Russia's role in the 2016 election dominates the news, China's spying and alarming influence within our borders is too little noticed.
We’ve spent a lot of time talking about Russian spying in the United States.
And while a lot of the concern is really just evidence that some people have trouble dealing with a lost election, it’s not as if the Russians haven’t been spying on us since my grandparents' day.
But with all the attention focused on Russia, maybe we need to pay a bit more attention to the spying — and related meddling — being done by the People’s Republic of China.
Because China is a bigger threat in general, and seems to be doing a lot without engendering much of a response, or even much awareness..."
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