Wednesday, July 04, 2018

History for July 4

Image result for Calvin Coolidge QuotesSee the source image
History for July 4 -
Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804, Stephen Foster 1826, Calvin Coolidge (U.S.) 1872 - 30th President of the United States
Image result for Nathaniel Hawthorne Quotes  Image result for Oh! Susanna Stephen FosterImage result for Calvin Coolidge Quotes

Rube Goldberg 1883, Mitch Miller 1911, Ann Landers 1918/Abigail Van Buren 1918
Image result for Rube GoldbergImage result for Mitch Miller TV ShowImage result for Ann Landers 1918/Abigail Van Buren

1776 - The amended Declaration of Independence, prepared by Thomas Jefferson, was approved and signed by John Hancock, the President of the Continental Congress in America.
See the source image

1802 - The U.S. Military Academy officially opened at West Point, NY.
Image result for 1802 - The U.S. Military Academy officially opened at West Point, NY.

1803 - The Louisiana Purchase was announced in newspapers. The property was purchased, by the U.S. from France, was for $15 million (or 3 cents an acre). The "Corps of Discovery," led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, began the exploration of the territory on May 14, 1804.
Image result for Louisiana Purchase

1817 - Construction began on the Erie Canal, to connect Lake Erie and the Hudson River.
Image result for 1817 - Construction began on the Erie Canal,

1848 - In Washington, DC, the cornerstone for the Washington Monument was laid.
Image result for cornerstone for the Washington Monument

1960 - The 50-star U.S. flag made its debut in Philadelphia, PA.
Image result for 50-star U.S. flag

1966 - U.S. President Johnson signed the Freedom of Information Act, which went into effect the following year.
Image result for Freedom of Information Act,

1976 - The U.S. celebrated its Bicentennial.
Image result for 1976 - The U.S. celebrated its Bicentennial.

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