How Perkins Coie Plan to Get Congressman Jim JordanThe American Spectator
"Have you been keeping up with the charges against Congressman Jim Jordan?
They first wafted from the swamp around July 3 when NBC News quoted three former wrestlers as saying the congressman had to know about “inappropriate” behavior by an Ohio State University team physician towards some Ohio State wrestlers.
The “inappropriate” behavior supposedly occurred 30 years ago.
Yes, I said 30 years ago.
That was when Jordan, a former two-time NCAA champion, was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State, and, oh yes, he was in his early 20s.
Do you know how much standing an assistant coach had attained when he was in his early 20s some three decades ago?
It would have been about as much standing as a graduate assistant.
...Ohio State has hired a legal firm, Perkins Coie, to investigate Jordan.
But wait.
Did not Perkins Coie work for Hillary Clinton on the dirty dossier?
Is not Jordan from his House committee investigating such matters?
How did Ohio State settle on a law firm employed by Hillary to investigate Jordan, and why has no one suggested another law firm..."
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