Thursday, July 12, 2018

Steve Russo - The Death Of Europe: Another 700,000 Muslim Migrants...

Steve Russo - The Death Of Europe: Another 700,000 Muslim Migrants..
The Death Of Europe: Another 700,000 Muslim Migrants Await Their Turn To Invade The Comatose West
No country or culture can survive this continuous, massive invasion from the third world. 
To think, Europe once defended itself from invading hordes of the Islamic world, now... they're allowing the hordes to conquer them. 
We are witnessing the death of a once-great civilization. 
President Trump is protecting us from this brutal fate. 

We owe SCOTUS an enormous debt of gratitude for backing him up.
EXCERPT: Hundreds of thousands of migrants are waiting in Libya to cross the Mediterranean to Europe, according to Britain's National Crime Agency.
 It warned that Italy’s refusal to take stranded ships had created a bottleneck of 700,000 waiting in the North African country.
...Iraqi Kurds, Afghan and Albanian gangs were the most prolific people smugglers to the UK. Since the destruction of the Jungle camp in Calais in 2016, the issue had shifted to Belgium, he said.…/Migrants-wait-Libya-cross-Medi…
And what happens after they get to Europe?
50% of British Muslim males and 70% of females are on benefits.…/jihad-allowance-work-e…
The lack of a proper work ethic in Islamic culture is possibly a large cause behind the refugee movement and helps to explain why Muslims’ eyes are always focused on the outside, non-Muslim world, the greener pastures, for more and more to conquer or expand into..."
Read all.
Much here!

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