Friday, July 20, 2018

Very worthy read-----Sultan Knish: Did the Russians Hack the DNC to Help the Left Take Over the Democrats?

Sultan Knish: Did the Russians Hack the DNC to Help the Left Take Over the Democrats?
"The Russia conspiracy theory hinges on the single creaky claim that the Democratic National Committee hacks were a Russian plot to elect Trump. 
The theory and all its illegitimate stepchildren, including Robert Mueller and his infinitely expanding corps of prosecutors, lives or dies by the DNC hacks.
See the source imageTrying to elect Trump by releasing damaging insider information from the DNC never made any sense. 
The DNC was already a dysfunctional organization that was being run by the Clinton campaign. Undermining its leadership had little impact on the election, but a great deal on control of the DNC.
There has never been any evidence that the DNC hacks swung the election. 
The vast majority of people never even heard of them. 
Only a handful of political insiders and watchers, already deeply and unpersuadably committed to one side or another, could name the contents of a single email.
When you want to understand the motive of a crime, follow the money. 
See who benefited from it, not casually, but deeply and significantly enough to justify the effort and risk of undertaking it.
The hacks targeted Clinton allies and sought to undermine their influence within the Democrat Party..."
Read on!

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