Friday, August 10, 2018

ACA subsidies cost more per person than Medicaid. Is that sustainable? - Modern Healthcare

ACA subsidies cost more per person than Medicaid. Is that sustainable? - Modern Healthcare
"Government spending on Obamacare premiums has raced past its per-person spending on Medicaid expansion, and the gap is poised to increase—a trend that has some policy experts shaking their heads over the long-term economic picture and at least one major insurer questioning the sustainability of the individual market.
This year, federal dollars going to exchange premium subsidies more than doubled from 2014 and the Congressional Budget Office projected they will nearly double again over the next decade. 
States are pursuing reinsurance waivers and even eying further expanding Medicaid—where the federal government shoulders nearly all the cost—through a public option to lower expenses for the people covered through the exchanges. 
...Data from the CBO and the CMS cast the individual market as a costly second version of Medicaid, although low-income people who opt to use their subsidies for bronze plans get little more than catastrophic coverage because they can't use cost-sharing reduction payments for help with co-pays and high deductibles.
The CBO's latest projections from earlier this year show government paying out an average of $6,300 annually for every subsidized enrollee in fiscal 2018. 
It estimates that number will rise to nearly $12,500 in 2028. 
In contrast, Medicaid spends $4,230 per non-disabled adult, set to inflate at 5.2% annually to just over $7,000 per person in 2028..."
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