Friday, August 17, 2018

Australian farmers body says Roundup cancer ruling is 'in blatant ignorance' of science | Environment | The Guardian

Australian farmers body says Roundup cancer ruling is 'in blatant ignorance' of science | Environment | The Guardian:
See the source image"National Farmers’ Federation says US court ruling that weedkiller causes cancer sets a ‘reckless precedent’
Australia’s National Farmers’ Federation has rejected the finding of a US court that the weedkiller Roundup causes cancer, saying it set a “reckless precedent” that could harm agriculture.
On Monday, Greenpeace urged the Australian government to start restricting the sale of Roundup – which is widely available in supermarkets and hardware stores – after a Californian court found it caused the cancer of a terminally ill man.
...The active chemical in Roundup – glyphosate – has been classified as “probably carcinogenic” by the World Health Organisation but is still approved for use in Australia and the US.
On Tuesday, the NFF said the US court decision was “in blatant ignorance” of science.
“No other herbicide has been tested to the lengths that glyphosate has,” the NFF president, Fiona Simson, said.
“After four decades of evaluations, no regulatory agency in the world considers glyphosate to be carcinogenic.”...
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