Friday, August 17, 2018

Democratic Socialism is Totalitarian Slavery – S.G. Cheah – Medium

Democratic Socialism is Totalitarian Slavery – S.G. Cheah – Medium:
"Have you ever wondered why, despite the continuous systemic failures of socialistic, communistic or fascistic regimes, — as evidently proven by the observable catastrophes of 2018’s Venezuela, Mao’s China, and the Soviet Union — this idea of the Utopian collectivist commune just never seems to die? 

Witness the popular resurgence of this idea in today’s celebratory praise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s push for Democratic Socialism.
The secret to the existence and survival of these ideas is far more sinister than you may have realized.
...If you made the argument that Democratic Socialism is slavery, you would likely be accused of exaggerated fear mongering. 

But are you wrong? 
Read on to know why Socialism is essentially slavery..."
Read all!

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