Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Don’t blame Ocasio-Cortez – blame her schooling - Israel National News

Don’t blame Ocasio-Cortez – blame her schooling - Israel National News:
"We should not be amazed that this newly hatched Socialist Democrat is so clueless about the economy and international relations.
Every time she appears on television she comes across dumber and dumber.
The Left’s new IT Girl, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez can’t seem to get it straight on anything.
We should not be amazed that this newly hatched Socialist Democrat is so clueless about the economy and international relations…namely, at the moment, the Palestinian-Arab/Israeli conflict.
...On what topic is she the expert?
Nothing much, apparently, yet she will be sitting pretty in the next Congress after her surprising defeat over a veteran incumbent.
...She came from Boston University.
No knock on that fine college. Just seems that these days our schools of higher learning are high on diversity and low on a well-rounded education. 
...Get them while they’re young. Brainwash them and bamboozle them while they are still fresh-faced, runs the motto from the Left..."
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