Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Exclusive -- Robert Epstein: Who Gave Private Big Tech Companies the Power to Decide What We Can See?

google-facebook-apple-spotify-big-tech-censorshipExclusive -- Robert Epstein: Who Gave Private Big Tech Companies the Power to Decide What We Can See?
"...Epstein stressed that he is not a political conservative and “certainly no fan of Alex Jones,” but he saw the Jones’ banning as a disturbing threat to the free speech and vibrant democracy he loves.
“I think the big issue here is not even a free speech issue.
The issue is: Who should be making these decisions about what people see and don’t see? 
That’s the question.”
“In some ways, things are worse than you think,” he continued. “Jones himself responded by saying, ‘Well, you know people, you can still livestream me at…’ and then he gave the links to go to so you can livestream him.
But what apparently he doesn’t realize is that these companies, Google in particular, they have the power to limit access to websites, which most people know nothing about.”...
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