Saturday, August 18, 2018

Freedom Philosophy: Eliminating Income Inequality is Evil - Being Libertarian

Income Inequality - LibertarianFreedom Philosophy: Eliminating Income Inequality is Evil - Being Libertarian:
"Poverty is a thing to be abolished.
We should all rally around this central point.
No one should go without food and water as long as it’s within our individual power to prevent it. This raises the immediate question of what is the most effective means of eliminating poverty.
The knee-jerk reaction of some is to take from the wealthy and give to the poor.
I shall, for the purposes of philosophical charity, ascribe this motivation to them.
However, I have encountered another motive among the left, one far more disreputable, sinister, and abhorrent – that they simply wish to take from the wealthy, which is little more than hatred and jealousy.
Our reality is that inequality cures poverty.
Inequality has many causes, but primarily it’s due to supply and demand.
If doctors didn’t economically outperform low-skilled workers, the supply of doctors would drastically diminish to the point that the scarcity of their professions would drive an increase in their wages.
Wages are a function of supply and demand.
This is why a skilled hockey player earns more than a nurse, even though nurses are more valuable to society – the supply of someone with the skills of Sidney Crosby is far less than those who have the capacity to become a nurse.
...Inequality isn’t desirous in and of itself but there is such a thing as natural inequality.
Some are born smarter than others.
Some are raised with a higher work ethic.
The result of each of these tends toward inequality...."
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