Thursday, August 23, 2018

In case you forgot: Congress paid millions in hush money to protect politicians

In case you forgot: Congress paid millions in hush money to protect politicians
Image result for Congressional watchdog"For all those Democrats and the MSM seeking to use Michael Cohen's plea deal to implicate President Trump in the alleged crime confessed to by Cohen, don't forget to use the precedent set by the highly respected institution we call the Congress of the United States of America when you make arguments that Donald Trump was trying to influence an election with a payment to silence his accusers.
The following is a list of articles from major news outlets with short excerpts written about members of Congress paying "secret settlements" for everything from sexual harassment to who knows what else – because we really don't know "what else" they did.  
It's a secret.
The secrecy, or can we say cover-up, is meant to protect the identity of the elected officials involved who need to silence their accusers.  
You know, just in case the information might become public and affect their positions in Congress or – wait for it – the outcomes of their next elections.

  • Sexual harassment fund exposes Congress
Under Congressional Accountability Act, taxpayers pay for secret settlements. Where's the accountability?
When sexual harassers agree on confidential settlements with victims, at least the payments come out of the harassers' own pockets or from companies that choose to employ them.
But not, as the nation has learned this month, when the harasser serves in Congress. Then, taxpayers foot the bill. And the entire episode remains hidden.

  • How Congress plays by different rules on sexual harassment and misconduct..."

Lots here. Read all.

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