Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Let there be light bulbs! Trump looks to flip switch on Obama ban

Let there be light bulbs! Trump looks to flip switch on Obama ban:

Image result for Incandescent Bulb LumensAn Obama administration decision to ban incandescent light bulbs was based on a misunderstanding of the law, according to the Department of Energy, meaning those faithful products that had been in use for a century may be returning.
The development in a war that began when Congress restricted some bulbs to increase energy efficiency during the George W. Bush administration was reported by Tim Nerozzi at AMI Newswire.
The original campaign to ban incandescent bulbs was criticized as one of the “most blatantly unconstitutional and amazingly stupid congressional acts,” inspiring the creation of a bumper sticker that states “I’m pro-choice on lightbulbs.”
Opponents of the ban argued incandescents have benefits not offered by alternatives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, fool?
There’s never been a ban on incandescent light bulbs. Double check your sources (HAHAHAHAA after looking over your page, based solely on your feelings and not at all in reality, I highly doubt you’d ever do that), but just in case:

I’m sure it’s tough to find filler today, you know, to avoid address REAL topics like how Manafort was convicted of 8 counts, or Cohen plead guilty to 8 of his own and also implicated Trump in the process, or how Duncan Hunter jr was just indicted. It can be real tough to have all that going on. Thoughts and prayers.