Thursday, August 16, 2018

Liberal Judges Support Terror - The Schpiel

Liberal Judges Support Terror - The Schpiel
"While it is a well-known fact that former usurper-in-chief Barack Obama propped up ISIS by giving them aid and weapons, it is still considered a “conspiracy theory” to suggest that Democrats are in bed with the avowed enemies of America.
See the source imageBut yesterday’s incomprehensible judicial decision in New Mexico shows that – like with most conspiracy theories, it seems – what was once unthinkable is now becoming the undeniable reality.
Judge Sarah Backus, an elected Democrat, let two men and three women who were charged with training children to conduct school shootings at a disgusting, fetid compound back onto the streets of New Mexico.
Police raided the compound last week and found 11 children who were being neglected and apparently trained to conduct school shootings. 
The Judge did not seem to care very much, and the Muslim individuals walked without even paying a dime.
...Whether this judge is either a useful idiot for radical Islam or a knowing witting collaborator with these enemies of America, it does not matter. 
She needs to be replaced with a strong conservative rule of law justice during the next election."
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