Thursday, August 09, 2018

Media Omits New Mexico Compound Leader’s Muslim Ties | The Daily Caller

Media Omits New Mexico Compound Leader’s Muslim Ties | The Daily Caller
"Media outlets are leaving out a key detail about the New Mexico compound leaders who were reportedly training young children to commit school shootings.
Eleven children were recently rescued from the “filthy” compound, which police say appears to be run by Siraj Wahhaj and Lucas Morten. 
Wahhaj, the son of a prominent imam, was accused in court documents released Wednesday of training the children on the compound to commit school shootings. 
See the source image(RELATED: Prosecutors: Son Of Prominent Imam Was Training Children To Commit School Shootings)
Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe said Tuesday that he believes Wahhaj and Morten are “extremist[s] of the Muslim belief.” 
...CNN, for example, did not mention the words “Muslim” or “extremist” in a Tuesday article about the discovery of the 11 missing children.
During an on-air segment about the compound, CNN correspondent...
NBC NewsTime Magazine and CBS News also did not mention the alleged “extremist … belief[s]” of the compound leaders in two recent articles."

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