Sunday, August 26, 2018

Millennials May Love Socialism, But Socialism Won't Love Them Back

Millennials May Love Socialism, But Socialism Won't Love Them Back:

Image result for Communist DictatorsFar from learning the truth — that America has been the greatest force for freedom in the history of humankind, while creating unparalleled wealth for its citizens — students today are relentlessly drilled with a progressive catechism of guilt over America's long-admitted shortcomings and history.
The result: a generation raised on moral equivalency, diversity and a jaundiced view of their nation's own past. A generation of Americans that hate their own culture, even as hundreds of millions around the world dream of coming to this land of opportunity and freedom.
Is it any surprise that the millennial generation sees socialism as an answer to all of the world's shortcomings? After all, its utopian ideals of total equality and no want are appealing to young people...

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