Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Minnesota: Muslims to show their “power” at Vikings Stadium event tomorrow (update) � Refugee Resettlement Watch

Minnesota: Muslims to show their “power” at Vikings Stadium event tomorrow (update) � Refugee Resettlement Watch
Vikings stadium
"...We first reported it here last Thursday, but this is a must-read filled with details and expert translations of what one might expect to hear at the “one-of-a-kind Muslim event that’s never happened before on U.S. soil.”
Here are just some of Hohmann’s opening paragraphs:
The Minnesota Vikings’ US Bank Stadium seats 65,000 people for pro football but the state’s imams are hoping to fill those seats with more than 50,000-plus Muslims chanting “Allahu Akbar!” on Tuesday, Aug. 21, in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Ahda...
Featured speaker DR. WALEED AL-MANEESE PH.D   http://www.supereid.com/speaker/luis-gallop/
While an event of this size takes at least a year to plan, details about the Super Eid have been held under wraps. The first visible sign that it would happen came in mid-July, when a website popped up under the registered domain name of SuperEid.com.
“Super Eid” was formally announced by a group of 13 imams during a cryptic 20-minute press conference outside the US Bank Stadium, aired Aug. 7 on Somali TV of Minnesota.
The imams, speaking mostly in Arabic and Somali, said they were inviting tens of thousands of Muslims to come together to celebrate an Islamic holiday that involves not only the slaughter of animals but three hours of chanting “Allahu Akbar,” followed by feasting, merrymaking and events for children.
One imam exclaimed at the Aug. 7 announcement that “Super Eid 2018” is being designed as a statement to America that the best Islamic teachers, imams and scholars will be “coming together and showing the unity and the power of our community.”...
Read all.

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