Saturday, August 25, 2018

Nate Jackson: Reminder: Trump's a Pretty Good President — The Patriot Post

Nate Jackson: Reminder: Trump's a Pretty Good President — The Patriot Post:
"...This week was dominated by salacious news that wasn’t good for President Donald Trump. 
But his presidency has yielded far more good news than bad news, and it’s worth keeping that in mind in spite of the efforts of Democrats and their Leftmedia cohorts to overturn the 2016 election results.

  • On the economic front, Trump and the Republican Congress passed massive tax cuts for the vast majority of Americans — without a single Democrat vote. (In fact, Democrats continue to campaign against you keeping more of your money.) 
  • Trump’s record rollback of regulations is saving billions of dollars.
  • He exited the economically costly Paris Climate Accord. 
  • Tax cuts and deregulation have jumpstarted the economy (which is bad news for Democrats) and seeded a record-long bull market. 
  • ...Trump’s tariffs and trade negotiations are a strategic gamble to use a good economy to bear the short-term cost for long-term gain..."

Read all.

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