Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Pulling Their Clearances Is Only the Start – It’s Time to Stamp out Elite Privilege

Pulling Their Clearances Is Only the Start – It’s Time to Stamp out Elite Privilege
"...those fascist monsters took away my TOP SECRET security clearance.
...But John Brennan, that hack, and his elite pals are supposed to get the special privilege of keeping it.
See the source imageWhy?
As a professional courtesy.
See, security clearances are things you pass out as favors or rewards, I guess, at least among the elite. Courtesy among them, nothing for you, though.
You aren’t special.
You’re just some guy serving his country and not turning it into a profit center on the outside.
Like a sucker.
I got my clearance for the same reason you readers who got one got yours –because I needed it to do my job in the service of our country. 
And when I stopped needing it because I was no longer doing a job in the service of my country, I didn’t get to keep it to inflate my value as a pundit or “consultant.”..."
Read all.

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