Friday, August 17, 2018

Southwest Airlines limits animals onboard to cats, dogs and miniature horses

Southwest Airlines limits animals onboard to cats, dogs and miniature horses:
Image result for Miniature horses classed as service animals"Passengers flying on Southwest Airlines can’t take an emotional support snake, possum, rabbit or peacock onboard from next month – but they will be allowed a miniature horse as a service pet.
New guidance for flying animals released by the Dallas-based airline states that passengers will only be allowed to bring one cat or dog as an emotional support animal.
Miniature horses classed as service animals – those who are trained to support individuals with a disability – will also be allowed to fly.
...Earlier this year a United Airlines passenger tried to board a flight to Los Angeles with an emotional support peacock called Dexter.
She reportedly offered to buy the bird a ticket, but was refused because he did not meet the size and weight guidelines."
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