Thursday, August 09, 2018

Steve Russo - Six “YOUTHS” “LYNCH” Man Defending His Wife Outside...

Steve Russo - Six “YOUTHS” “LYNCH” Man Defending His Wife Outside...
"Six “YOUTHS” “LYNCH” Man Defending His Wife Outside Muslim-Migrant “No-Go-Zone” In The French Suburbs of Saint-Denis
...A trio of seventeen-year-old youths in the French department of Val-d’Oise were arrested early Tuesday morning after they “lynched” a man coming to the aid of his wife, who was also attacked by the group. 
The incident occurred sometime between the late night of Monday and early morning Tuesday and saw the wife of the victim confront a group of six youths who were being loud and obnoxious in the street outside of the couple’s home.
While confronting the drunken youths, the woman was said to have been met with a torrent of abusive language and during the confrontation one of the men dropped a glass bottle which shattered on the ground and then proceeded to attack the woman with it.
The husband of the woman then attempted to come to her aid and, according to witnesses, was thrown on the ground and viciously beaten, being kicked repeatedly in the body and the head.
...The riots, which many have considered to have an anti-Semitic element, saw 200 masked individuals attempt to attack a local synagogue while fires were set at the Garges-les-Gonesse-Sarcelles RER station.…/manifestations-pro-palestiniennes…
Earlier this year a lesbian couple was attacked at an RER station in the department by a gang of “youths” who called the pair “lesbian whores” before assaulting them.…/female-homosexual-couple-attac…/
If the Left gets their way in this country, this will become the norm. 
Let's stop that from happening..."

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