Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Mollie Tibbetts story isn't getting much play on the progressive outlets.

Image may contain: 1 personFans of Best of the Web Today--Michael Smith
The Mollie Tibbetts story isn't getting much play on the progressive outlets. 
The lack of coverage is due to 5 factors they deem not important enough:
1. She was white.
2. She was from a flyover state (Iowa)
3. She was murdered by a member of a class progressives protect (illegal aliens)
4. Her murder supports President Trump's premise that strong border enforcement is necessary
5. Other than those, it is clearly just a local crime story not worthy of national coverage.
You would think with all the anti-rape culture/sexual violence protests out there, the fact a female was murdered by a male would bring some attention - but what this shows is that protecting illegal aliens is far more important to the progressive left than protecting women.

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