Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The struggle between free people and Communists,... - David L Rosenthal

The struggle between free people and Communists,... - David L Rosenthal
"The struggle between free people and Communists, and between free people and Islamofascists, is not politics. 
The struggle is war. 
The goal is to enslave or destroy us.
Defending America from domestic enemies is as easy and as difficult as enforcing the existing laws that were passed specifically to prevent Communism and Fascism from destroying America. 
One does not coexist with cancer. 
See the source imageOne destroys it. 
As for upcoming generations, one eliminates indoctrinating agents from public education. 
Our enemies in government and law enforcement are those who refuse to enforce our laws. 
They must be removed and prevented from having any influence in government, law enforcement, or education.
Those who oppose the Constitution, the purposes explained in its Preamble, and the Bill of Rights, whether intentionally or inadvertently, support our enemies in the furtherance of their destructive objectives. 
It does not matter that some of them are labelled Republican.
Unless an official is willing to support and defend the Constitution, they are a domestic enemy."

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