Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Trump Frees Obamacare Captives, Dems SueThe American Spectator

Trump Frees Obamacare Captives, Dems SueThe American Spectator:

Image result for free clip art running freeThat’s what makes this case novel, first of its kind and really important.… No scholar or court has ever said the president can use his discretion to implement a statute to purposely destroy it.… If there’s ever going to be a violation of the “take care” clause, this is it.
So, President Trump has reversed an arbitrary — and probably illegal — Obama administration fiat for the purpose of helping more Americans get affordable health insurance. But the Democrats in general, the corrupt officials of four dysfunctional cities, and a few academic ideologues say he can’t do that. The case was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, which will probably grant the plaintiffs a temporary injunction, meaning more Obamacare victims will have to wait for years to get justice. But for the Democrats it isn’t about justice. This kind of lawfare is standard practice for these creatures. About 140 such suits have been aimed at Trump since he was inaugurated — just an appetizer for what will happen if the Democrats get control of either house of Congress in November.

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