Friday, August 10, 2018

Trump’s new ‘zero tolerance’ rules cut welfare-dependent foreigners from taxpayer money spigot Conservative News Today

Trump’s new ‘zero tolerance’ rules cut welfare-dependent foreigners from taxpayer money spigot Conservative News Today
"Foreign nationals who need government welfare may find it harder to resettle in the U.S. as the Trump administration is set to roll out a new plan to save American taxpayers money.
The administration’s proposal, spearheaded by White House senior adviser Stephen Miller, would seek to prevent immigrants from coming to the U.S. if they may end up being a drain on taxpayers, Breitbart News reported.
New rules would be added and old laws would be enforced in the multi-pronged plan that would make it harder for legal immigrant residents who have used any forms of welfare in the past – including Obamacare, food stamps, and public housing – from becoming citizens.
“The administration is committed to enforcing existing immigration law, which is clearly intended to protect the American taxpayer by ensuring that foreign nationals seeking to enter or remain in the U.S are self-sufficient,” a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security told NBC News..."
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