Friday, August 17, 2018

What is Socialism? | Intellectual Takeout

What is Socialism? | Intellectual Takeout
"So, there’s a video making the social media rounds with a CNN reporter supposedly asking Bernie Sanders supporters to define socialism.
Here it is:

Based on a lot of what we’ve seen in articles and online comments, the reporter probably revealed quite a bit of truth about what young Americans actually understand about socialism.
Back in July 2014, Reason released a report stating that 42% of Millennials preferred socialism, but only 16% could accurately define it
So just what is socialism? 
...Here's how the Socialist Party USA, which uses the term democratic-socialism, defines socialism:...
...So there you go. 
Socialism is the government controlling not only businesses, but also neighborhoods, homes, and schools
Indeed, as the Socialist Party USA claims, it is a very different “social and economic order” than anything you’ve likely experienced."
Read all.

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