Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Yale professor: Going blond an 'unconscious, ubiquitous metaphor' for whiteness - The College Fix

Yale professor: Going blond an 'unconscious, ubiquitous metaphor' for whiteness - The College Fix
"...From the interview:
Image result for Claudia RankineRANKINE: But, you know, I’m interested in conversations around race because talking about race seems to be taboo if the race is white, you know? And – because it has become a sort of unmarked category to mean people when you actually mean white people. And blondness became a metaphor for that, a sort of unconscious, ubiquitous metaphor. And everybody was going blond – Asian women, black women and almost, it seemed, all white women. …
...RANKINE: ...And often I would say, do you dye your hair other colors? And some women said, no, it’s always blond. You know, so if it’s really about the funness (ph) of dying your hair, then perhaps you would do blue or green or whatever. But for them, it was a commitment to blondness..."
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