Monday, September 03, 2018

America doesn’t actually lead the world in mass shootings

America doesn’t actually lead the world in mass shootings
"The claim that the US has by far the most mass public shootings in the world drives much of the gun-control debate. 
...Obama’s administration cited a then-unpublished paper by criminologist Adam Lankford.
Lankford’s claim received coverage in hundreds of news stories all over the world. 
...Lankford hasn’t released his list of shootings or even the number of cases by country or year. 
See the source imageWe and others, both in academia and the media, have asked Lankford for his list, only to be declined. ...A new report from the Crime Prevention Research Center, which one of us heads, has just finished collecting cases using the same definition of mass public shootings used by Lankford.
...Lankford’s data grossly undercount foreign attacks. 
We found 1,423 attacks outside the United States. 
...Of the 86 countries where we have identified mass public shootings, the US ranks 56th per capita in its rate of attacks and 61st in mass public shooting murder rate. 
Norway, Finland, Switzerland and Russia all have at least 45 percent higher rates of murder from mass public shootings than the United States..."
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