Monday, September 24, 2018

Arctic sea ice melt has turned the corner for 2018 | Watts Up With That?

Arctic sea ice melt has turned the corner for 2018 | Watts Up With That?
"Not surprising that MSM has gone schtum about the remarkable persistence of their favorite “canary” not being dead yet.

This year’s min is greater then 2007 when AR4 was getting major push in MSM and Al Gore was trying to BS us all with his climate disinformation.
The alleged ‘death spiral’ and ‘runaway melting’ has been essentially not going anywhere for over a decade now. 
Why isn’t this great climate news being told to the world?
I’ll be honest, the Arctic minimum has become so passe in the era of ever shrill pronouncements about “ice free Arctic”, “Arctic death spiral” etc, I forgot all about it.
As a metric for global warming, it certainly hasn’t lived up to predictions from 10 years ago., much less recent ones, such as this one from Peter Wadhams – Anthony"
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