Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Best read of the month, so far!-----Is Trump Chaos an Impeachable Offense | National Review

Is Trump Chaos an Impeachable Offense | National Review

  • Trump is destabilizing the status quo, as he promised to do. 
  • The keepers of the status quo cry foul.

"Until 2017, there were certain political assumptions that most people no longer really believed but also preferred not to question — given the likely animus from the so-called bipartisan establishment, a naked entity which, by convention, we all agreed was splendidly clothed.

  • China could freely cheat on trade, and the U.S. could take the commercial hit, because one day its misbegotten riches would force liberalization and thereby make China a member in good standing of the family of democratic nations...
  • NATO member nations always would promise, indeed swear, that they would meet their military spending commitments..
  • The Palestinians will always remain “refugees” in a way that similar contemporaneously displaced people who were also forced out of their homeland — Prussians, Jews of the Middle East, or Volga Germans — no longer have refugee status, after more than 70 years...
  • Much more-read all!

...The list of status quo absurdities is nearly limitless...
Again, the stance toward all these paradoxes was that it was more of a problem to tell the truth, address reality, and make the necessary difficult adjustments than to shrug, continue on, and maintain the façade of normality. 
Then a president came along with no prior investment in the economic and foreign-policy establishment, and apparently no desire to create any, or to worry much about his own ignorance of past conventional wisdom. 
And so in breakneck speed he began cancelling deals, renegotiating asymmetrical agreements, and questioning protocols of decades past — and he did so without adopting the comportment of past presidents and the advice of either the administrative state or the Washington political-media establishment.
The ensuing reaction was that the Trump medicine was said to be worse than the preexisting disease, although no one could really explain why that was so.
So we are left only with “Trump did it,” and therefore he should be impeached, declared insane, sued, forced to resign...
And he made changes in a rude and uncouth manner that the establishment did not like — just as a nude emperor in invisible clothes does not like it when an outsider observes that he is naked."

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