Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Clarice Feldman--Two Funerals and a Missing Cardinal

Two Funerals and a Missing Cardinal
"The Mueller investigation continues without hitting paydirt and further diminishing the reputation of the special counsel and Clintonite team.  

  • I expect the president to shortly (maybe even this week) declassify the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant on Carter Page.  

This warrant provided the means to spy on the president and his campaign.  
We learned this week that the warrant, which triggered this partisan witch hunt, was signed by the FISC (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) without any hearing whatsoever.  
We already know that it was based on lies scrounged up by a Hillary Clinton-paid former newsman and passed on by corruptocrats in the FBI, CIA, and Department of Justice...

  • The Maverick's five-day funeral rites were reportedly planned in every detail by the departed and reflected his bitter, vindictive streak. 

In particular, he disinvited Sarah Palin, his running mate in his unsuccessful run for the presidency, and the family made this gesture public.  
To my mind, without her, his campaign would have been an even bigger failure.

  • And then there's the missing cardinal to make the crazy week even weirder.  

Pope Francis was under attack for failing to act on countless documented cases of sex abuse within the Catholic Church.  
The Vatican's ex-ambassador to Washington, Archbishop Carlo ViganĂ², fired the first salvo, detailing the misconduct of Archbishop Theodore McCarrick and Cardinal Donald Wuerl and calling on the pope to resign.  
Ricochet had the best wrap-up of the crisis in the church and the Lavender Mafia flourishing under Pope Francis....
...There are calls for Cardinal Wuerl to resign and he appears to have gone missing, with rumors that he was spirited out of the country to avoid prosecution.
Certainly all this turmoil in our justice system and the Church is unsettling.  
But it's a useful reminder that in all hierarchies, sooner or later, the mission of the organization becomes the protection of the hierarchy, not the stated mission, and every now and then, a thorough housecleaning is in order..."

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