Thursday, September 06, 2018

Democrats’ Brett Kavanaugh Antics Expose Hollowness of Calls for Civility | National Review

Democrats’ Brett Kavanaugh Antics Expose Hollowness of Calls for Civility | National Review
"The sordid spectacle that opened Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings put the lie to left-wing laments about the decline of civility in American politics.
We hear a lot about norms these days. 
We live in a time when alleged pre-existing norms of decency, civility, and respect are being cast aside for the sake of “winning.” 
Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland victim, Jaime, tries to shakes hands with Brett Kavanaugh: "My daughter was murdered at Parkland."

White House says an "unidentified individual approached" Kavanaugh, but "before the judge was able to shake his hand, security had intervened."
The ends justify the means, and a dignified loser is just that: a loser. 
There is a real sense that we’re losing something irreplaceable, a shared respect that once allowed partisans to battle over ideas while remaining bound together as citizens of the world’s greatest constitutional republic.
...Unfortunately, it appears that all too much of the talk about norms and civility and decency is just another weapon of convenience, to be dropped the moment it is perceived to pave the path of defeat.
Just look at the disgusting spectacle that was day one (and the opening of day two) of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.
...So, the next time you hear grave words about civility, respond with a request: 
Show, don’t tell. 
When the chips are down, will you practice what you preach? 
Yesterday’s performance provides a clear answer, and it should worry all of us who genuinely care about health of American political discourse."
Read all.

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