Friday, September 07, 2018

Gassed in Jersey | City Journal

Gassed in Jersey | City Journal:
"It’s a fundamental economic principle: if you tax something, you get less of it. 
See the source imageNew Jersey legislators tried to protect themselves against that law in 2016, with legislation raising the state’s gas tax by 22.6 cents per gallon, designed to provide the state with an additional $1.2 billion a year for a state transportation trust fund that had gone broke.
The law carried the provision that if revenues fell short because drivers bought less of the higher-priced gas, then the tax would automatically increase.
Not surprisingly, New Jersey is getting less from its new gas tax than the state anticipated.
...Advocates for the original tax hike, including the Democratic-controlled legislature and Governor Christie, justified it on the grounds that the state needed money to restart essential infrastructure projects that had been halted when the state ran out of money..."
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