Monday, September 10, 2018

Michigan is failing its students, as state test scores keep tanking | Bridge Magazine

Michigan is failing its students, as state test scores keep tanking | Bridge Magazine
"Michigan schools seem to be getting even worse.
That’s the unavoidable, sobering summary from Wednesday’s release of the state’s latest standardized test scores, given to public school students in grades 3-8 and 11th grade.
...Despite an increase in the percent of third and fourth graders who were not proficient on the literacy test, state officials focused on the slight bump upward in those who were proficient..."
Read all!


Thomas said...

So how are they defining "proficient"? 75% correct (C) or 60% correct (D-) They screwed with those definitions to improve the MEAP results back in the 90s. Are they doing it again?

The articles are silent on the criteria.

Jim Riley said...

Excellent question.
I don't know and they aren't tellin'
What I do know is too many children are graduating from HS with the basic skills to succeed in life.
Total system failure.