Friday, September 21, 2018

Nutrition Studies That Backed Obama-Era School Lunch Programs Get Retracted: Reason Roundup - Hit & Run :

See the source imageNutrition Studies That Backed Obama-Era School Lunch Programs Get Retracted: Reason Roundup - Hit & Run :
"Six nutrition papers retracted from JAMA Network. 
The prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA) Network announced Wednesday that it has retracted six papers that included Cornell University food scientist Brian Wansink as an author.
See the source image
...His research was widely disseminated in major media and incorporated into government programs—most prominently, a program to encourage healthier eating in school cafeterias called the Smarter Lunchrooms program.
The Smarter Lunchrooms program was spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and designed by Wansink and his Cornell colleague David Just. As I noted here last August,
For the better half of a decade, American public schools have been part of a grand experiment in "choice architecture" dressed up as simple, practical steps to spur healthy eating. But new research reveals the "Smarter Lunchrooms" program is based largely on junk science..."
Read on. 

1 comment:

Jess said...

I think most anyone with intelligence realized it was all a farce, when they started vilifying peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

To be fair, those that created, and allowed, such nonsense should be forced to compensate taxpayers.