Monday, September 03, 2018

Pirro to Jeff Sessions: Either Resign Immediately or Put on Your Big Boy Pants and Be a Real Attorney General | Breitbart

Image result for free clip art Big boy pantsPirro to Jeff Sessions: Either Resign Immediately or Put on Your Big Boy Pants and Be a Real Attorney General | Breitbart:

Pirro went on to criticize Sessions’ record in the U.S. Senate, what she perceived to be his unwillingness to take on the “deep state,” and noted that his former U.S. Senate colleagues Sens. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) are already predicting Sessions’ departure as attorney general.
“You need to do one of two things,” she added. “You need to resign immediately, because you’re not wanted, or put on your big boy pants and be a real attorney general.”

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