Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Rush Limbaugh: New York Times possibly 'made up' Trump op-ed with 'composite series of opinions' - Washington Times

Rush Limbaugh: New York Times possibly 'made up' Trump op-ed with 'composite series of opinions' - Washington Times:

Image result for free clip art Story timeRush Limbaugh says last week’s op-ed in The New York Times by an anonymous White House official may be a “made up” composite piece by numerous people.
The man behind the “golden EIB microphone” returned on Monday from a short hiatus to address “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration,” which detailed a senior official who is undermining the president from the administrative shadows.
“I believe the New York Times made it up. I think it’s a composite series of opinions from a bunch of people New York Times have on staff or talk to,” the radio host said. “Folks, they have been making things up for two years, two-and-a-half, three years on Donald Trump. Why would this be any different? Again, I’m not saying there aren’t any saboteurs.”

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