Monday, September 03, 2018

Steve Russo - The Anti-Trump Rally Disguised As A Funeral

Steve Russo - The Anti-Trump Rally Disguised As A Funeral
""The Anti-Trump Rally Disguised As A Funeral
The week-long canonization of John McStain finally came to a bitter end on Saturday. 
Just like McCain. 
...Leftists and swamp-dwellers alike were reveling in the anti-Trump rally disguised as a funeral that went on all week but came to a climax in Washington on Saturday. 
If you thought there was any difference between party establishments, guess again. 
Doesn't matter if they have an R or a D after their name, establishment ilk resides in both party's and they hate you as much as they hate this president...
The selected speakers didn’t so much as eulogize the sneerly departed as they did use their moment in the spotlight to take not-so-subtle digs at the sitting President. 
It was petty, vindictive, passive/aggressive and childish. 
You know. 
Like John McCain himself...
...And meanwhile, out here in the real world, we the voters are paying attention to the disrespect, condescension and cruelty...
Because destroying Trump and undoing the 2016 election means more to them than the country.
If they thought that weaponizing McCain’s funeral would cripple support for President Trump, trust me, they would hold a funeral for him every weekend until the Midterms.
And I think they’d do it with John McCain’s blessing."
Read all.

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