Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tech Giants Spend $80 Billion To Make Sure No One Else Can Compete - Slashdot

Tech Giants Spend $80 Billion To Make Sure No One Else Can Compete - Slashdot
"An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg:
Google parent Alphabet and the other four dominant U.S. technology companies -- Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook -- are fast becoming industrial giants. 

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They spent a combined $80 billion in the last year on big-ticket physical assets, including manufacturing equipment and specialized tools for assembling iPhones and the powerful computers and undersea internet cables Facebook needs to fire up Instagram videos in a flash. 
Thanks to this surge in spending -- up from $40 billion in 2015 -- they've joined the ranks of automakers, telephone companies, and oil drillers as the country's biggest spenders on capital goods, items including factories, heavy equipment, and real estate that are considered long-term investments. Their combined outlay is about 10 times what GM spends annually on its plants, vehicle-assembly robots, and other materials. 
...The $80 billion tab also is a snapshot of why it's tough to unseat the tech giants. 
How can a company hope to compete with Google's driverless cars when it spends $20 billion a year to ensure it has the best laser-guided sensors and computer chips?..."
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